Ultra Comfortable Helen's Heart Shoe Collection

This Video is a preview of the newest styles of the Helen's Heart Shoes to shop at Teramasu.com

Theses shoes are the perfect accessory for your fashion wardrobe and will look fabulous with your favorite Teramasu Starfish accessories this Spring and Summer!


The Video Transcript of the Helen's Heart Shoe Collection is below for your reading pleasure.


Q: A preview of all the new styles of the Helen's Heart Shoes at Teramasu and the first one we're going to look at is this flower shoe. Terrie you want to tell us a little bit about this.  Terrie: Sure. This is the Helen Heart multicolor purple and blue flower shoe. It is a two and a half inch wedge. Also it has an open toe, a little peep toe here that's really cute. But what the main thing feature about this is that the shoes are amazingly comfortable. It gives you a little lift without being too forward in your foot and in the platform shoe. It's almost like you're wearing a flat shoe. Very, very comfortable.  Q: Thanks.  Terri: We also have a very adorable beige shoe. This also has a little flower on the top. This is their classic. We carry this shoe in multiple colors. This is the creme that's been very popular. We also have it in the red, pewter, black and white. Also, this is a really a nice shoe too if you want to dress it up. This is our brown leopard shoe and it has the crystals up here on the toe with a little bow. Same comfort from Helen Tart and we love these shoes and have been selling them for many years. Q: All right, let's just go ahead and we'll take a look at some of the other colors we have. What color is this right here? Terrie: This is their black and grey slide show.  Q: Over here we have? Terrie: This is their white shoe here.  Q: Okay, white.  Terrie: Then this . . .  Q: This is more of a creme white, right? Terrie: Well, this is . . . Yeah, they call this their white. It's a little bit creamy. Q: Okay.  Terrie: But this is their pewter color that goes with everything.  Q: Okay.  Terrie: You saw that Q: Then we have over here, we have the red and also flowers. Terrie: Yeah, we have our red shoe here and we also have . . . this is their orange flower. Very high demand. I actually have one pair, but we also have a big shipment coming in on these as well. Then we have one pair left of this beautiful pastel blue color.  Q: Oh, you just got to look at the flower on top and that is it. That's the preview of the Teramasu collection of Helen's Heart and you can find those at Teramasu.com and if you click the link below in the description of this video, it'll take you directly to the Helen's Heart shoes on Teramasu.com. Thanks for tuning in today. 

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