The Definitive Guide to Finding the Starfish Jewelry You Really Want

Clicking the links and images throughout this post will take you directly to starfish jewelry including bracelets,necklaces and earrings,or great market places to find starfish jewelry. But if you read through the post you will learn great ways to find not only starfish jewelry but fashion accessories and many other item you may be shopping for online. 

Why Did I Make this Guide on Finding Starfish Jewelry?

Here is the Short Answer, Search Term: “Starfish Jewelry” results 5,340,000 found.

The web is a great resource for finding just about anything in the world for which you could possibly be searching. Yet I am sure you have had the same experience as me, you search for an item, get 5,340,000 results on Google Search and can’t easily find the item you seek. I find this especially true in niche fashion accessories and jewelry. Of course, if you know the exact brand or manufacturer or a SKU number or UPC usually you have a pretty good chance of finding something relevant to your search. But let’s say you’re looking for a pair of turquoise colored starfish earrings to match your new blue and white dress you will be wearing on your next trip to the beach. The answer lies in knowing how to search and knowing where to look.


When I search starfish jewelry on Google Search I receive the results displayed in the screen shot below. I have put numbered red boxes around the information I would like to highlight. Boxes 2, 3 and 4 are paid advertisements and can sometimes give good results, but are not guaranteed. Of this category I like box 3 the best because it shows an image of the item they are actually selling. Box 5 includes the actual Google Search results. Unfortunately these results can be the hardest to sort through because you only have a text description and you must click on the result to see if it points you in the right direction. After going through several pages one can easily become frustrated.  Box 1 is where I find the most promise.   



Google shopping seems obvious when we see how easy it is to click that tab, but many people are not aware there are tabs under the Google Search Box. The default tab is the “Web” but there are tabs for Images, Maps, Shopping and More. Each of these tabs gives you result specific to those categories. In addition you can get much better results by using “Google advanced search” simply enter advanced search and click the link for Google. This gives you many more options to search such as “exact words or phrases” or “All of these words” where you can enter a query like” Coral gold starfish crystal earrings” and receive much more precise results.

Box 1 is the shopping tab under the Google Search box. When you click this tab you receive images of the results as seen in the following screen shot. You also have a number of sorting options to help you find the exact item for which you are searching. Highlighted in the red boxes are your options. Box 1 allows you to choose a category such as necklace or earrings. Box 2 lets you choose a price range. Box 3 lets you look for a particular brand. And finally Box 4 is particularly useful allowing you to search by silhouette (the shape of the item i.e. Pendant).  There are also additional sorting options like the type of metal gold or silver for instance and the type of stone diamonds or crystals for example. You can even search by store.


How to pick the Best Results from Google search

Obviously, the best way to search is not by searching “starfish jewelry” but to be as specific as possible to get the best results. For example, if you are searching for “turquoise starfish earrings” that should be your search term.  In the following screen shot the sponsored shopping results and image results show promise because they are all displaying pictures of turquoise starfish earrings which are exactly what we are looking to find.



The first three results in search are #1, #2 and, a rising star, #3  Without question, I think that most people know that Amazon and EBay are fantastic market places that are some the best places to shop on the web because they are trusted by consumers. The network of sellers selling in the market places offer great service and an excellent selection of products. They also offer great search tools to help you find your items. Let’s take a quick look at an eBay search result. As you can see in the red box in the first screen shot you receive an image of turquoise starfish earrings a description and price the link takes you to the listing for the item. From there you can buy the item or search for other turquoise earrings on eBay.



As with Amazon and many other sites, this EBay result from the Google search may link to only one item.  When you get to eBay just copy your search term in the search box to get a larger selection. Sometime the best thing to do is go directly to EBay and Amazon and do your search in their vast market places.


   Unfortunately, not everyone sells on eBay and Amazon so Google search is the best way to find boutique sellers. This is when it pays to search for very specific terms and get clever with your search tactics.  Let’s look up “starfish jewelry collection” and “sea life jewelry collections” this will give us results for websites with collections of starfish jewelry instead of single listing results for an item on a large shopping site. The Following screen shot is the result for “turquoise starfish bracelet collection” search on Google Search. As you can see the result in the red box shows a page 1 Google search indicating this is a turquoise starfish bracelet.



 This may give us a link to one item, but, as is the case here, this website has a Sea Life Jewelry Collection.


This allows us to find and shop boutique sites with a wide variety of starfish jewelry.


Not everyone is as familiar with Etsy and Polyvore.

   Etsy is a market place to Buy and sell handmade or vintage items, art and supplies. Etsy, describes itself as the world's most vibrant handmade marketplace. Etsy is a great place to find unique jewelry crafted by artist.

   Polyvore describes itself as the place to Shop, discover and start fashion trends, the web's largest fashion community. It allows people to clip items from online stores and post those items into Sets much like Pinterest allows you to create boards. You can create an outfit with a dress, earrings, shoes, bracelet, purse from items you have clipped or other users have clipped. If you see a SET where you like the whole outfit someone created you can click on each item you like and a link takes you directly to the page where you can purchase the item.

    The Following is a screenshot from Polyvore of a set called “Starfish Jewelry in Turquoise” created by Teramasu. Red box #1 shows the set. All items are clickable and link you directly to the website where they can be purchased. Box 2 shows other Sets created by this Polyvore user. The beauty of Polyvore is that this set was created by Teramasu. Only 4 of the 9 items in this set are sold by Teramasu. The other items are sold by other companies. Sometimes the users who create the sets are not the seller of any of the items. In this particular set a professional designer, Teramasu, is creating a unique set matching starfish earrings and bracelets to other accessories in Polyvore helping you to accessorize by creating a complete look. 


The next screen shot shows how you can search Polyvore by products,set collections,items,groups and members. This allows you to search for starfish jewelry in gold by Teramasu. That way if you like the way a particular member put sets together you can see what they are doing with starfish necklaces. It is like having your own personal fashion designer. It is also a great place to shop because you can see how your starfish necklace is going to look with that new dress you just bought. This is also rapidly becoming the place for large and small fashion companies, boutiques and designers to create, collaborate, and post their newest creations.




   Aside from Amazon and EBay, there are many shopping networks out there such as Rakuten, formerly, where seller syndicate there products. There are deal sites and multiple auction sites and I think they all have something to offer but I think the key is finding a wide selection of the specific products you are searching. In our case, that is starfish jewelry. Specifically, starfish necklaces, starfish bracelets, and starfish earrings would be the items we want to find.  When I put this article together I did not want to only post a lot of links to starfish jewelry. I wanted to give you specific ideas and methods for sorting through the many results in search to find the best results. I also wanted to give you some new locations to look, such as Etsy and Polyvore, that you may not have previously been aware. Google shopping seems obvious when we see how easy it is to click that tab, but as I mentioned earlier, many people are not aware tabs exist under the Google Search Box.  This one simple action reduces the amount of results you must search and can be finely honed using the filtering tools I mentioned earlier.

   Since everyone has their own taste preferences, one fashion style of starfish earrings is not going to be the best fit for every person. It can be frustrating when you are searching for a classic style starfish earring and all of your search results are modern or contemporary.  I could present many links to starfish jewelry but those links may not suit your particular fashion sense. But using the search techniques I presented, you should have no problem finding that “Starfish Necklace Set Triple strand with multi colored beads with earrings” that you are desperately searching for across the internet. Now you will be armed with both new techniques for searching and new market places where you will not only be able to find the perfect starfish bracelet, but you will have the luxury of seeing your new bracelet matched with an outfit and accessories by your own private fashion designer on Polyvore.

    You also have the option of going to Etsy and having a skilled artist make a custom starfish necklace that suits your own unique style and being gratified with the knowledge that you are wearing a one of a kind creation. 

   Searching the internet can be fun but it can also be frustrating if you are unable to find the item you are searching. I hope these techniques for searching and the new market places as well as the instructions of how to refine your searches on each market place will help make your shopping for starfish jewelry more exciting and enjoyable because you are actually finding the items you want instead of fruitlessly and frustratingly searching the 47,500,000 results of starfish jewelry.

    Please let me know if this Blog post was helpful to you.  If it was, post a comment. If you have other great ideas for finding the best starfish jewelry on the web let me know what you have found.

    The web is constantly evolving and new market places are springing up every day. The best place to find the most incredible selection of starfish jewelry today may be totally different a month from now or a year from now. What I do know is that search is getting better every day. And I also know that technology is creating change on the internet a rapid pace. A new website with new technology can become dominate very quickly because of how quickly we adopt change. When I see dramatic changes that can help you find the starfish jewelry you desire I will let you know so that you can easily find the starfish fashion accessories for which you are searching.

by Kevin King

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